
Yen-Yi Anderson, Managing Partner of Anderson & Associates, founded the law firm in January 2014. Yen-Yi Anderson focuses her practice on excellence in business immigration, commercial law, and civil litigation.

Wei-An Wang is a Law Clerk at Anderson & Associates and a contributing author for the Anderson & Associates blog.



 雙方年齡差距過大
 雙方語言隔閡過大,沒有共通語言
 文化差異過大
 申請者的家人或朋友完全不知道這段婚姻的存在
 這場婚姻是由中間人介紹安排的
 結婚的時間點是緊接在申請人得知自己必須離境之後
 面試時發現雙方對於身為一對情侶應該要有共識的事情一問三不知
 婚後沒有同居



觀察美國移民局上訴委員會(The board of Immigration Appeals)的裁決,例如伴侶間在下列文件中將雙方列為夫妻:保險、不動產租賃契約、所得稅表格,或銀行帳戶,都有助於審查。另外伴侶必須能提出他們戀愛的證據、婚禮的證據、共同居住或共同生活的證據等。

但法院也指出,若移民局意圖特定某些類型的生活模式,例如規定伴侶戀愛關係必須超過一定的時間,或規定伴侶間的相處方式來做為審查標準,這將會引發憲法層級的爭議 。See Bark v. INS, 511 F.2d 1200 (1975).




  • 請描述你家的擺設,一共有幾間房間?
  • 請描述你家的街區及路口的名稱。
  • 你今天是走什麼路線過來移民局面試的。











Private foundation and public charity

Yen-Yi Anderson focuses her practice on excellence in business immigration, commercial law, and civil litigation.

Jim Shih-Chun Hou is an Associate at Anderson & Associates and a contributing author for the Anderson & Associates blog.

You may have heard these two terms from time to time in the context of nonprofit discussion. What are they? How do they work? And how to set up each one of them?

By default, a 501(c)(3) organization will be a private foundation at the very beginning. Generally, a private foundation is funded by one individual or company. For example, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest private foundation in the U.S., was founded by Bill Gates and Melinda Gates. Its endowment was $50.7 billion in 2017. A private foundation usually makes grants to other charities from its endowment instead of directly organizing and executing charitable activities.

On the contrary, the financial resource of a public charity is mainly coming from the general public on a regular basis. It heavily relies on donations or grants to operate and achieve its goals. IRS sets out the “33 1/3 percent support test” or the “10 percent facts and circumstances test” to determine if a 501(c)(3) organization can qualify as a public charity. More specifically, at least 1/3 of donations must be given by donors who give less than 2% of the entire organization’s receipts for the past 5 years.

For instance, Anderson Charity has the vision to provide legal aid and education with residents in lower Manhattan. It has been conducting fundraising and receiving donations from a variety of groups and people. As of today, Anderson Charity has received $10,000, which can be broken down as follows:

-$3,582 from the sale of ticket of legal drama show. There were 18 people who purchased the ticket priced at $199.

-$6,418 from 3 different individuals who are previous clients cheering Anderson’s mission.

Set aside few exceptions, Anderson Charity can therefore meet and maintain its public charity status.

In short, the most important differences between private foundation and public charity are 1) financial source- from single source or the general public and 2) activities- making grant or executing plan. Some facets are ignored for the purpose of simplicity. Consult your lawyers to learn more details before making strides.

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